About Us

The Mountain View Public Safety Foundation (MVPSF) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation formed by local business leaders and community members to support the Mountain View Police and Fire Departments, as well as the Mountain View Police Activities League (PAL) with the ultimate goal of making the City of Mountain View a better and safer place in which to live and work.

The MVPSF board includes members of the city’s business, philanthropic, and the broader community, as well as the leaders of the Police and Fire departments—who serve as advisory board members. This structure provides the necessary collaborative environment wherein the needs of the departments and MVPAL can be effectively and efficiently communicated to the board, while appropriately leaving fiscal disbursement decisions to civilian board members.

Our organization supports and offers innovative ways to connect communities and local public safety. We strive to accurately represent our community and incorporate diversity, equity and inclusion. Our programs are unique and important as they build trust in the changing landscape of public safety.

A young girl wearing a fire helmet and holding a hose, looking excited.

Our mission

is to support public safety and make our communities better, safer places in which to work and live. We accomplish this by building partnerships across community and government organizations.

What we do

Donations made by individuals and companies directly fund a broad range of community outreach programs and public safety programs. In addition, donations to MVPSF support the large variety of recreational and leadership development activities provided by MVPAL to youth between the ages of five and eighteen. These programs are designed to foster mutual understanding and trust between youth and police officers through a positive, non-confrontational setting.

Many of these programs are not feasible under the City budget, as approximately 90% of Police Department’s and 92.5% of Fire Department’s annual budgets go towards paying basic operations and department personnel.

What we do not do

The role of the Foundation is not to displace funding for basic law enforcement and fire services, or to reduce in any way the responsibility of the City of Mountain View to commit the necessary funding for fire and law enforcement services for the community.

As modern public safety continues to change and become more complex, Police and Fire Departments similar to departments across the country, have increasing needs to stay current in training, technology, equipment, as well as communication, outreach and partnership with the community.

How you can help

Our goal is to collectively serve our communities through partnerships in order to make them a better, safer place to work, live and visit. We need your help to make our efforts go even further!

Your valuable gift is helping to provide community outreach programs and public safety needs including; programs, training and equipment to our police and fire departments.